Kensei is live on the Testing server

Hello Realmers, 

We are happy to open up our testing servers and let you meet the newest member of our family: the Kensei. 

Please take into consideration that you’ll need a different account for testing. If you haven’t already created one, make sure to do so.… Read more “Kensei is live on the Testing server”


Open Testing for Halloween

Hey Realmers,

Our Development Team has been very busy working on making the game more secure and fixing those bugs that bother us all. In the meanwhile, our Live Ops team was working on remodeling the old Bazaar.

We are very excited to announce that the old Cloth Bazaar was completely remodeled and expanded and to fit its new grandeur, it is now called the Grand Bazaar!… Read more “Open Testing for Halloween”


Testing The Shatters

Hello Realmers,

We are opening the Testing servers to test a few tweaks on The Shatters. This time we need you to join in large groups. Therefore we disabled Key popping: there will be a portal on the Nexus taking you to the dungeon and all the items you can possibly need will be in the store, for free, of course. … Read more “Testing The Shatters”


Open Testing this weekend with Shatters and O3

Hello Realmers,

We have that big free O3 event starting on Monday and you probably didn’t take the time yet to properly practice, right? As much as you may want to go into those Discord runs with your mates, there’s an easier way.… Read more “Open Testing this weekend with Shatters and O3”


Getting started creating pixel art – part 2/2

Guestpost written by Poshun, inspired by his RealmEye tutorial
Read the first part here

In our previous article about spriting for Realm of the Mad God, we went over some commonly used terminology, software you can use to draw and render sprites, as well as briefly explain how sprite sheets are laid out for use in Realm.… Read more “Getting started creating pixel art – part 2/2”


Getting started creating pixel art – part 1/2

Guestpost written by Poshun, inspired by his RealmEye tutorial

This article is written to explain the process behind creating pixel art in the style Realm of the Mad God. It will outline what software you could use for drawing and rendering sprites, as well as how to organize your sprite sheet, helping you present your ideas during contests or just for fun!… Read more “Getting started creating pixel art – part 1/2”