Reddit Best of

Hello Realmers,

So, lot’s of great art last week on Reddit. So much that we decided to make a whole blog post just pointing you towards those threads where you can show the artists all your Realmy Love.

We had the Katanas by Feshoe:

The Shadow Cube Blaster by the one and only, Saturn:

A cute plushie… by Moneywench:

And an Oriental atire for the Trickster by FreakyKima:

Please follow the links in the images and show them all your love in the Reddit comments!


Getting started creating pixel art – part 1/2

Guestpost written by Poshun, inspired by his RealmEye tutorial

This article is written to explain the process behind creating pixel art in the style Realm of the Mad God. It will outline what software you could use for drawing and rendering sprites, as well as how to organize your sprite sheet, helping you present your ideas during contests or just for fun!… Read more “Getting started creating pixel art – part 1/2”