Release Notes – Halloween

Spooky Realmers,

Halloween is one of our favorite seasons of the year and we wanted to give you something special. While the development team has been dedicating their time to fixing bugs and making the game more secure for you, the LiveOps team worked hard to bring you the new Bazaar and some exciting Campaign, Events, Quests and spooky ST reskins! … Read more “Release Notes – Halloween”


Open Testing for Halloween

Hey Realmers,

Our Development Team has been very busy working on making the game more secure and fixing those bugs that bother us all. In the meanwhile, our Live Ops team was working on remodeling the old Bazaar.

We are very excited to announce that the old Cloth Bazaar was completely remodeled and expanded and to fit its new grandeur, it is now called the Grand Bazaar!… Read more “Open Testing for Halloween”