And the Speedrun event winners are…

Hello Realmers,

Here are the anticipated winners list for the Speedrun we announced on the 14th of January. Like we said, the rewards will be given to the top three times of each class: a UT of choice for that class along with a skin of choice for that class (except exclusive skins and items that are no longer in the game).… Read more “And the Speedrun event winners are…”


Oryx ate a Chocolate: you can stop cooking

Hey, Realmers!

Remember this post, where we setup the advent calendar for this week? Well… Oryx kind of took a bite out too early and we needed to postpone the start by one day.

Not convincing enough, right… well the truth is… that we had to postpone it due to technical difficulties with the upcoming release.… Read more “Oryx ate a Chocolate: you can stop cooking”