Meet Helemaalni (and events update)

Hello Realmers,

Continuing our series of interviews, today we bring you one of our most active testers. If there’s something to do, he’s always there, with a helping hand. Meet Jelle aka, Hele, aka Helemaalni.

Name, Nationality and Age?

My name is Jelle, but most people will know me as Helemaalni or Hele.… Read more “Meet Helemaalni (and events update)”


Interview with Floflorian (and new Events)

Hello Realmers,

Given the popular demand for more interviews we decided to bring you one of our partnered content creators, the Austrian Florian Huber, also known as Floflorian, 23 years old. And Yes, we will keep on this series of interviews, with DECA staff, testers, content creators and Discord Mods.… Read more “Interview with Floflorian (and new Events)”