Hello Realmers,
Continuing our series of interviews, today we bring you one of our most active testers. If there’s something to do, he’s always there, with a helping hand. Meet Jelle aka, Hele, aka Helemaalni.
Name, Nationality and Age?
My name is Jelle, but most people will know me as Helemaalni or Hele. I’m 23 years old and live in the Netherlands.
What are you studying?
I am currently studying Applied Mathematics, but should be finishing my study in the following months and go on a job hunt.
Any hidden talents or hobbies?
I love to play board games or card games with friends, although this pandemic definitely has made it difficult to be able to meet up.
My hidden talent would probably be that I can make balloon animals, although it has been a while since I last made one.
How and when did you start playing RotMG?
I found the game on Kongregate not too long after it released over 9 years ago, I remember playing it the first day, dying a lot and then quitting, until about a week later I came back and really got hooked on the game. And here I still am 9 years later.
Favorite Class, Dungeon and Item?
My favorite class would have to be the ninja, I love the very fast glass cannon gameplay, even if it means running into some enemies and dying sometimes.
Oryx Sanctuary is probably my favorite dungeon right now as it was a great new level of difficulty that I felt the game really needed. I’m glad it has brought dying back into the game more. In general the dungeons added since Deca took over feel more special to me, since as a tester you are more involved with the progression a dungeon goes through while it’s being worked on, and it feels good to see the end result of something that has been slowly improving over the span of months.
Favorite item is a difficult one. I feel like the items I value the most are some items that have a story to them that still make them stand out to me. Like the Lethargic Sentience when I got one when it was still a very exclusive steam release. Or the Staff of Horror from an old inside joke that happened within my guild.
What other games do you play?
I really enjoy board games and card games, outside of that I am a big fan of the roguelike genre with Binding of Isaac and Enter the Gungeon being some of my most played games. Recently I have also been revisiting some classic games like Ocarina of Time and Super Metroid that I hadn’t played before.
What makes RotMG unique?
RotMG being a very community driven, permadeath and co-op MMO is just incredibly special, there are very few games that are only somewhat similar to RotMG, and very few can make it work as good as RotMG does.
What are the things you love the most in the game?
The community, I have always used stuff like Kongregate chat, Guilds and Discords to be able to talk to people and play the game together. I have met a lot of amazing people through this game, many of whom I still stay in contact with even if some don’t play anymore.
What would you change?
I think being in testing has shown me a lot of the issues that still exist on the backend, and even if players generally don’t notice them, I think it would improve the game and possibilities of the game a lot when they are fixed. Other than that I have always really wanted a realm rework, I would love to see a more interesting experience of playing in the realm than just running from quest to quest hoping an event will eventually spawn.
What made you join the Tester group?
I have always enjoyed helping out the game in whatever way possible, I used to be a moderator of the Realm of the Mad God chat rooms and forums on Kongregate, and just generally enjoyed doing stuff with realm. So when I got the ability to join the tester group about 4 years ago, it seemed like a great opportunity that I enjoy to this day. Being in testing has allowed me to meet a lot of amazing people in the realm community and also help continuing the game to improve and grow.
The final boss in Undead Lair drops a chest for extra loot. From 03-04-2021, 12:00 UTC to 03-08-2021 , 12:00 UTC.
And from 03-05-2021, 12:00 UTC to 03-09-2021, 12:00 UTC, after clearing Wine Cellar, there will be a chest dropping for extra loot.