Fame Bonus Rework Info

Welcome! As MotMG continues, we are getting closer to releasing the XP/fame bonus rework! As we promised earlier, we want to give a clear and thorough heads up regarding the exact bonuses being added, changed, and removed, allowing you to kill off characters you may have created specifically for fame and be better prepared for the new kinds of stats you’ll be rewarded for.… Read more “Fame Bonus Rework Info”


MotMG Reconstruction Trailer

We’re so excited about what we’re sharing today that we want to skip straight to the point!

MotMG Trailer

Month of the Mad God begins September 23, and this year we are absolutely jam-packing it with content! The headliner this time around is Reconstruction, as we enhance and modernize some of the game’s oldest content and features.… Read more “MotMG Reconstruction Trailer”