He’s one of our most recent partnered Content Creators and played an important role in last year’s ARG. Meet Kevin, also known as Arrow.
Name, Nationality, and Age?
My name is Arrow or, in rare cases, Kevin. I’m from Germany and I’m 23 years old.
Is making content your main activity? If not, what is your day job? Tell us about it.
Currently employed in the german army for a few more years then I’ll probably go back to being an electrician.
Any hidden talents or hobbies?
If there are any talents they hide well. Hobbies gaming and streaming 🙂
How and when did you start playing RotMG?
Weird story, back when I started I didn’t have my own laptop or PC so I went into an internet cafe every few days to play Minecraft with a few friends. One day one PC was taken by a fellow school mate and he showed me Realm. That was now 9 years and a few days ago, and well needless to say I still play it to this day 🙂
Favorite Class, Dungeon, and Item?
Well, I’m an Assassin enjoyer thanks to all the nice builds you can go, be it mana attack or tank, you can go whatever you want. And well, the plague skin :P. Dungeon I’d say Davy Jones, I like the key mechanic and the little easter egg hunt with the Trooms.
Item? That’s a good question. I really like a lot of items but probably Ogmur just for the sprite. I don’t know, it just looks so nice. Otherwise, Crystallised Fang’s Venom because of assassin reasons.
What other games do you play?
Currently, I’m playing my third wipe of Escape from Tarkov and League of Legends every now and then.
What makes RotMG unique?
Come on. It’s an 8-bit pixel permadeath MMORPG. Go on and name me like 3 more. Ye that’s right there aren’t any that people know about. So exactly that.
What are the things you love the most in the game?
There is always an item to grind, always a dungeon to clear always some weird guild stuff happening, you can just sometimes play it till there is no end, that’s what I just love about it.
What would you change?
Well, I think the entire guild system guilds kinda feel useless if it’s not just for the reason of playing together.
What made you want to partner with DECA for creating content?
The ability to go directly into contact with DECA is what made it for me, sharing ideas reporting bugs, etc. It’s just fun to work with the DECA team closer than a normal player would.
How do you see the game in 10 years?
Hopefully in 4k. The ideal would be a Console port and a VR port. I see many more dungeons, dynamic loot, Enchantments, and some more things that I cant think of in terms of technologicala advancements. But most importantly, the game is still alive and flourishing.