Eggster Events

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Hello Realmers,

How’s that Summoning going? We are excited about these events starting today in the Machine and Deadwater Docks. Of course, it’s easter… so there will be lots of eggstra action going on in the Realm as well, and it is the perfect time to get your Easter Knight Set. … Read more “Eggster Events”

Patch 1.4 – Unleashing the Summoner

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Hello Realmers,

We haven’t been this excited with a release in a long time! Today we are unleashing a new class, the Summoner, and introducing two major dungeon reworks: Deadwater Docks and Sprite World. There is also a new notification system and a Knowledge Base website. … Read more “Patch 1.4 – Unleashing the Summoner”

Eggstra, Eggstra, read all about the release!

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Hello Realmers,

It’s Friday and by now you are all used to it being #spoilertime. And there’s no bigger spoiler than what we are saying upfront: It’s official, we are unleashing the Summoner on Tuesday, the 30th of March. On the 31st  we are starting a New campaign called “A New Power” (hmm… what might this be?…).It… Read more “Eggstra, Eggstra, read all about the release!”

Meet Dystratix

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Name, Nationality and Age? 

My name is Jason, I’m American, I’ve lived in Colorado for the last 14 years, and I’m 22 years old.

What is your day job? Tell us about it.

I currently work as the sole member of the IT team at a small engineering company.… Read more “Meet Dystratix”