Friday News – Highlights of the Year


2021 is coming to an end! We want to thank you all for being a part of this amazing community. Helping us every day, improving the game, and pushing RotMG even further! We are very excited to see what the next year is going to bring to our beloved bullet shooter. … Read more “Friday News – Highlights of the Year”


Willow: Realm combines many genres into one

You may know her as WillowDG, she’s 31 and comes from Bulgaria and she’s one of the members of our Customer Support Team. Meet Willow

What is your job? Tell us about it. 

As a lot of you guys have already seen, I am a relatively new addition to Realm’s Customer Support team.… Read more “Willow: Realm combines many genres into one”


BB_Smooth: “RotMG is an Ego Checker”

He’s the newest addition to the DECA Content Partners and we thought that this would be the best way to welcome him to family. Meet BB_Smooth.

Name, Nationality and Age? 

Travis Smooth, Texan :), 26

Is making content your main activity? 

Read more “BB_Smooth: “RotMG is an Ego Checker””