Update New shop and stability improvements

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Hello Realmers,

This update brings you the (almost complete) new shop experience. While we will still add new features to it, this is pretty much the new UI we wanted to present you with. Please let us know in the comments what are your thoughts on it.
You may be pleased to know that the bugs that affected the Kensei should be fixed. You can swoosh and slash at ease again. Also the new STs for the Bard, Summoner, and Kensei have started dropping. Check out the locations down below. 

Here are the changes you can expect with this update:

Story of Love Campaign

This Valentine’s Day, we dream of the untold story of the King and Queen of the Shattered Kingdom. Their unfortunate fates are known today, but is anything recorded of their courtly life at the height of the Kingdom before Oryx the gladiator made his grab for power? The historians who unearthed the scrolls that told the tale of the Kingdom’s descent claim to have reason to speculate that life in the Court of the doomed Kingdom was a happy one and that the love the King and Queen had for each other may linger still… somewhere, in what remains untainted of their psyches. And, around this Festival of Love, the more romantic of these historians, mainly Knights and Paladins by trade, compose wistful poems and songs of what could’ve been. And of what remains. The Story of Love Campaign is an early experiment towards an actual Battlepass, where the real thing will of course be longer, more varied, and have free and purchased progression. Read more about it in our blog post.

Shop and Wardrobe Improvements

We continued our improvements in the UI/UX of RotMG and we are moving all purchasable items, either with Gold or with Fame, to the Shop menu, so they are easy to access and all in one place. For now, we will keep the items exposed in the Nexus and Bazaar but this might change in the future. The tabs should be very self explanatory and you can easily distinguish Mystery Boxes from Packages via the chest icon on the top-right. 

You also added the possibility to experiment with cloths in the Wardrobe and save your outfits for later. Give it a try!

  • New cloths  
  • New skins 
  • Mystery items pools changes + new ones

New Mystery Items:

Mystery skins
Mystery pet skins

For a complete list of all the skins you can get with each pool of Mystery items please visit this page. (layout going to be better soon)

ST Drops

The new ST sets will now drop from the following enemies:

Storm Caller Bard Set

Hailstorm – Esben the Unwilling (Ice Cave)
Thundering Chorus – Xolotl the Lightning God (Secluded Thicket)
Wind Dancer Robe – Feargus the Obsidian Dragon (Lair of Draconis)
Augur of the Tempest – Daichi the Fallen (Mountain Temple)

Earthen Bulwark Summoner Set

Earthen Ward – Daichi the Fallen (Mountain Temple)
Stonemould Mace – Limoz the Veridian Dragon (Lair of Draconis)
Rocky Robe  – Archdemon Malphas (Abyss of Demons)
Steadfast Glyph – Sandstone Titan (Ancient Ruins)

Tidal Wave Kensei Set

Saif of the Deep – Calamity Crab/Mini Crabs and Treasure room chest (Deadwater Docks)
Loch Sheath – Thessal the Mermaid Goddess and Coral Gift (Ocean Trench)
Barrier Reef – Royal Cnidarian (Cnidarian Reef)
Alexander’s Band –  Thessal the Mermaid Goddess and Coral Gift (Ocean Trench)

Dungeon Mods

  • Battle for Oryx should now work correctly with the Dungeon Mods system.
  • Fixed a bug where the ‘Skin Hunter’ Dungeon Mod didn’t drop a pet skin in The Machine and Ocean Trench.
  • The ‘Found Treasure’ Dungeon Mod now highlights the Golden Rats on the map in the Toxic Sewers.


  • The Ghost ship now spawns Water Mines instead of Ice Mines
  • Some skins’ icons no longer appear small
  • The Kensei dash and ability use no longer cause disconnections
  • Picking up or dropping items, right before or right after the Kensei dash, won’t cause disconnections 
  • Overall game stability improvements
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused a red line to appear on the outline of the large cloths in some occasions
  • Fixed a rare animation bug on Sentinel’s pillars sometimes not working in The Shatters.
  • Master Rat is immune to Stasis, and now it has a small invulnerability window when spawning so players understand better it’s about to spawn.
  • Corrected Vesture of Duality’s tooltip which incorrectly indicated a cooldown duration
  • Fixes on the Appetizer’s phases 
  • Fixed a bug that was wrongly displaying the enemy’s name when the player was killed 
  • Solved an issue that allowed to pop a key on top of a portal by teleporting as a trickster and popping a key at the exact same time 
  • Fixed an issue that caused disconnections in the Daily Quest Room when switching items and shooting
  • Fixed items quantity overlapping with the item sprite in the Mystery Boxes
  • Tooltip of some items show duplicated text after swapping the specific item 

Other changes:

  • Recursion Mace and Mace of the Celestial Forest are now tradeable
  • Players can now use spaces while naming Guilds
  • Improved Kensei’s Dash animations, check it out!
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6 replies on “Update New shop and stability improvements”

  1. Norton

    Can you get these new sts from st chests now?

  2. The shop’s UI imo is definitely much better than before. Feels a little messy when there is a lot of boxes available, and I would like there to be a search bar in skin tabs, but otherwise it’s good.
    Also I agree with what others say in the comments, why is the summoner neglected with no mystery skin? why still make the tiered items overpriced with gold which promotes 3rd party sites no matter if people actually buy those as you said one day. And yeah the campaign should be doable before you can buy it and claim the rewards (with a not easy to miss info so people won’t be crying about thinking it’s free).

  3. Can you please put a summoner mystery skin in the crystal of fortune tinkerer quests?
    I don’t understand why you would neglect a certain class like that.

  4. Scootz

    The battle pass NEEDS to be able to progress before you buy it, so that you can decide whether to buy it at the end. Basically every game with a battle pass does this and it’s a scummy look to not allow progression before unlocking. I would be supportive of it if this were the case.

  5. Slodiiii

    Please make Ring’s and Items in the shop buyable with fame…… I can’t think of a single thing that justifies selling a Exa HP for 400 Gold, that is really disgusting. Or if not by Fame just don’t sell them at all cause thats one hell of a scam….
    With your current way you are just promoting RWT websites even more! Instead of buying a Exa HP for 5 bucks i can just go to Realmstock and buy 8 decas for the same money.. And if people actually decide to buy an item with Gold they will most likely rather go to RWT sites. But that’s on you then…

  6. amazing new event

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