He’s one of the most joyful members of the community. You can find him streaming on Twitch and here, in this interview. Meed Deivian aka Deiviamos.
Name, Nationality and Age?
Deivian, Finland, 35 (born 1985)
Is making content your main activity? If not, what is your day job? Tell us about it.
I wish it would be one day. My day job is to be working in a small factory as a foreman + IT specialist who keeps all computer/network status as it should be in the company.
Any hidden talents or hobbies?
Wow, any hidden talents uuum… First skill: I can whistle very loud. Second: I am “always” happy :).
How and when did you start playing RotMG?
I started playing over 9 years ago. I always remember when I started to play it through Wild Shadow Studio from the browser when my friend recommended trying it out.
Favorite Class, Dungeon, and Item?
This is the question that people have been asking me and It’s really hard to answer. I just find it so rich that you are able to change the class from time to time. Sometimes I want to use melee and have a more tanky kind of approach and other times I like to hit the monsters from afar and see how they fell down as I spam the abilities on them or I just let them drown to my stacked poisons with the assassin. If I really need to choose I would say, Archer.
The dungeon would be easy to say Oryx Sanctuary but If I need to choose something else I think I would choose Secluded Thicket. There is something similar to Sanctuary that you do boss almost every floor. Boss mode kind :).
Wow, this one is even harder. Can I say three? 1. Shield of Ogmur 2. Crystallised Fang’s Venom 3. Genesis Spell. I like the way you can make something BIG happen for mass of monster or single target.
What other games do you play?
I like to play almost all kinds of games and especially the ones where you play with friends and see how the time goes by with the awesome vibes we have. Currently, I haven’t had much time to play any bigger games because I do editing and other stuff between the content. The next bigger games I am currently waiting for are New Diablo and the upcoming Dying Light 2.
What makes RotMG unique?
Like everything. Easy way to start but still hard to master. Rarity for getting the exact items and when you get what you have dreamed of you can share it with so many other players and friends. Easily come and go from the game unless you do sanctuary or shatters. Love&hate go so close to each other sometimes. The retro style of gameplay but still with Unity engine it needs surprisingly much from the hardware to keep it up in action. Bullet hell, and how fast it can happen that you see your best hero RIP. Fame amount of respect. The way you can interact so easily with 85 people in Realm. So many things still waiting to trigger to have awesome community-based action. Imagine for example more guild content, guild quests, guild leaderboards, or some guild vs guild events. Realmeye is a good thing to have though.
What are the things you love the most in the game?
The community and how they are battling together against the RotMG Bosses. When I come to stream I’m always excited about how the people have been doing and what they have achieved in the game or even in their personal life. So many little things matter to people and they want to share them and feel not to be lonely or even if they don’t want to share much. It is still cool to be part of something great! 🙂
What would you change?
Before I wanted the game to be more stable. But now Deca Games have done an amazing job with reduced loading times and fixed most of the disconnections or crash issues. Big respect! Oh, what I want to change. The game for some reason needs to have more exciting activities. People usually only wait for dungeon keys to be popped or sit in the Realm waiting for some interesting god events to happen. The Oryx Sanctuary has been so an exciting journey that almost everything else in the game has been starting to get less interesting because of that. Only my opinion of course but I guess the game could get turn back its interest by changing the realm to be more randomized and more special changes. For example, people already know that when there has been “hermit god” it appears only once in Realm. But what if it could come back? Or something else that players cannot predict and I know the current issue might come with left remaining monsters in Realm. Or what about some “God Warlock” appears and informs that “GOD ARENA IS BEEN LANDED” in Realm and it works same way than combined “old solo arena” + “admin arena” example? The oryx sanctuary gave amazing vibes and we need something similar to the realms itself between the beach and the god lands.
What made you want to partner with DECA for creating content?
Viewers and friends started to ask why I’m not Deca Partner yet even though I stream 3 times a week and do content videos approx 1-2 times a week. The benefits of being a partner might be the one because I use time for the content pretty much anyways :).
How do you see the game in 10 years?
More awesome content. New endgame bosses. More clear path guide from start till the end which keeps people going and learning easier the game. Oryx4. More new tactics on gameplay. More trading methods. Bigger and more happy community. More popular. Still the same awesome Deca Games Manager.
Still, Deivian here doing content :).