Enchantment 2.0 – Information

Development Update


There has been a lot of discussion around the current design of the Enchantments system which we would like to address. Some of this information has already been released at some stage of the development so far, but as we are planning to rework and extend the system it makes sense to cover all of it here too.… Read more “Enchantment 2.0 – Information”

MotMG Week 3 – Advanced Nest

Development Update


Another week during Month of the Mad God passed and we are now activating the next discipline! Swiftblade one so the following dungeon events will go live today. Additionally, the Advanced Nest is now available in the Realm and in the Shop in the form of Keys!… Read more “MotMG Week 3 – Advanced Nest”

RotMG Art Contest 2023

Development Update


The last Art Contest was a while back and the best time to celebrate anything Realm related is during Month of the Mad God! From today on until the 5th of September 23:59 CET you have time to take part in the next Art Contest!… Read more “RotMG Art Contest 2023”

Public Testing: Realm Rework with Biome UTs

Development Update


It’s time for another Realm Rework Public Testing session! This week you’ll get your first look at one of the new maps along with their enemies, all the biome UTs, and a handful of new setpieces and encounters! Just a reminder, everything you see this weekend is still a WIP and may be using placeholder sprites and/or change over time.… Read more “Public Testing: Realm Rework with Biome UTs”

Public Testing: Month of the Mad God

Development Update


We are getting very close to the Month of the Mad God which starts on the first of August. So its now time to have a small look at what is coming up. Join our Testing Server and try out the second iteration of the Enchantment System.… Read more “Public Testing: Month of the Mad God”

Update: – Season 7

Development Update

Enchanting Realmers!

Please welcome the first iteration of the Enchantment System to the game, mainly accessible via the brand-new Advanced Kogbold Steamworks. Since we are approaching Month of the Mad God, you will already find some things that are related to this event during this release. … Read more “Update: – Season 7”

Public Testing: Enchantments + MotMG

Development Update


Another week, another testing session. Once again you have the chance to test our upcoming enchantment system. Additionally just like last time Steamworks Hardmode is up! Let’s also have a look at our Month of the Mad God Items. The next Seasons Battle Pass and Missions are also live and you can have your first look.… Read more “Public Testing: Enchantments + MotMG”