Public Testing: Month of the Mad God

Development Update


Month of the Mad God is approaching fast and it’s time for you to have a first look at all the new stuff, reworks and more! Join us on our testing server, try out the new Rogue rework and ST Sets. Check out our planned Community Campaign for MotMG. Feel free to leave Feedback on the official discord. 

MotMG 2024 – Paths of Legends!

Two factions clash in this year’s Month of the Mad God. The glory-seeking legions of Commander-Lord Carosburg are going head-to-head with the insightful followers of Cronus the Ascended. And you can help determine which side will be victorious!

The two sides have invaded the Realm, with many items and relics for you to collect and use for either side. The first of these are the new Amulet items.

Amulets of Glory and Insight

As part of the mission tree you will be able to claim one Amulet every 3 hours by completing a mission. These ring-slot items all have a bonus to HP and MP as well as a buff to one of the following stats:

  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Wisdom
  • Vitality
  • Speed
  • Dexterity

The values of these bonuses is shown in the following table:

3Amulet of Superior Attack10107     2
3Amulet of Superior Defense1010 7    2
3Amulet of Superior Speed1010  7   2
3Amulet of Superior Dexterity1010   7  2
3Amulet of Superior Vitality1010    7 2
3Amulet of Superior Wisdom1010     72
4Amulet of Paramount Attack20208     3
4Amulet of Paramount Defense2020 8    3
4Amulet of Paramount Speed2020  8   3
4Amulet of Paramount Dexterity2020   8  3
4Amulet of Paramount Vitality2020    8 3
4Amulet of Paramount Wisdom2020     83
5Amulet of Exalted Attack30309     4
5Amulet of Exalted Defense3030 9    4
5Amulet of Exalted Speed3030  9   4
5Amulet of Exalted Dexterity3030   9  4
5Amulet of Exalted Vitality3030    9 4
5Amulet of Exalted Wisdom3030     94
6Amulet of Unbound Attack404010     5
6Amulet of Unbound Defense4040 10    5
6Amulet of Unbound Speed4040  10   5
6Amulet of Unbound Dexterity4040   10  5
6Amulet of Unbound Vitality4040    10 5
6Amulet of Unbound Wisdom4040     105
7Amulet of Transcendent Attack505011     6
7Amulet of Transcendent Defense5050 11    6
7Amulet of Transcendent Speed5050  11   6
7Amulet of Transcendent Dexterity5050   11  6
7Amulet of Transcendent Vitality5050    11 6
7Amulet of Transcendent Wisdom5050     116

The Amulets themselves are untiered, but have tiers listed because they will improve with use. You will be able to collect T3 Amulets from a mission with a 3-hour refresh rate. This will then gain charges as you kill dungeon bosses with it until the meter is full. When the meter is full the ring will then automatically change to a T4 amulet of the same type! This will continue all the way until the amulet hits T7, when it will remain a powerful item but no longer gain charges. Amulet charges can also be increase by killing enemies spawned after death in dungeons. The charge gained on amulet will be based on the dungeon’s difficulty.

The Amulets are divided into Glory and Insight, which will have different effects on certain mechanics within the event. The division is as follows:

  • Glory:
    • Attack, Defense, Speed
  • Insight
    • Wisdom, Vitality, Dexterity

Amulets you have collected during the MotMG will remain afterwards, but they will no longer be a feature of the mission tree. They may come back if we have another Glory and Insight event, or become available through other means (battle pass, missions, shop, etc), but you will not lose the amulets at the end of the event. They will also retain the ability to gain charges and change to new versions.

Relics of Legend

There will be three armor sets available during the event as rewards:

  • Heavy – Glorious Banded Plate
  • Leather – Temperate Cuirass
  • Robes – Insightful Mourning Robe

When wearing one of the Amulets above, you will get an on-hit effect. If you have a Glory ring, you will get 8 seconds of Healing, with a 20 second cooldown, and an Insight ring will give you Energized for the same duration.

There will also be a number of weapons up for grabs:

  • Sword – Faithful Spatha
  • Dagger – Reliable Pugio
  • Katana – Legions Odachi
  • Bow – Transdimensional Bow
  • Staff – Deathmask Staff
  • Wand – Temporal Wand

These items will also react to the presence of an Amulet by creating two additional projectiles when shooting. All amulets will give two additional projectiles doing 55-75 damage, which will have 80% of the weapon’s range. If you are using a Glory amulet, these projectiles will have Armor Piercing, and if you are using an Insight amulet they will have Multi-Hit.

Glorious and Insightful Engravings

All of these items come with an Engraving slot to use for two new Engravings, Glorious and Insightful. You can freely mix and match these: putting Glorious on an Insight Amulet or weapon, for example.

When used on a weapon, Glorious will provide a +3 stat boost to Attack. And when used on an armor or Amulet, it will instead provide a +25 HP bonus. Insight provides a +3 Wisdom stat bonus when used on weapons, and a 4% reduction in MP cost when used on armors or Amulets.

Path of Legends

At the core of this conflict will be a community campaign to complete missions in the new mission tree.

This season the missions will be split between Glory and Insight. In addition to all of the other requirements for completing the missions you will need to be wearing an appropriate Amulet for your progress to count. For example, if you need to kill 500 enemies while wearing a Glory amulet, if you kill enemies either without an amulet or with an Insight Amulet, then the kills will not count towards this total.

To clarify, this is based on the stat the amulet gives normally, not if the amulet has an Engraving! So an Attack Amulet will always be a Glory amulet, even if it has an Insightful Engraving.

Each of the missions which requires an Amulet will be tracked, and the progress used to reward the community.

As you can only wear one Amulet at a time, you will be able to directly support one faction at a time. You can swap factions by changing your amulet and completing other missions, and everyone who participates will get the rewards from BOTH the Glory and Insight tracks. The main competition will be how high each of the bars manages to go before the end of the season!

The side which is winning will also affect the Crucible. This will be updated on a weekly basis, starting with a generic option and updating to favor Glory or Insight based on which of the two factions is winning.

Please note that the rewards on Testing are not finalized and may be different from the rewards on release. 

Adaptive Crucible

The crucible for the event will also change with the shifting tides of the competition. It will start with the following bonuses and penalties:

  • 75% HP recovered from Pets
  • 75% MP recovered from Pets
  • +8 to DEF, VIT and WIS
  • +5% EXP Bonus

Every 2 weeks through the season we will check which of the two sides is leading, and will then update the crucible based on these figures.

When Glory is winning, the Crucible will be:

  • +8 ATT and DEF
  • 75% HP and MP recovered from pets, WIS bonus and Potions.
  • +X% EXP bonus

And when Insight is winning Crucible will be:

  • +8 WIS and DEX
  • 75% HP and MP recovered from pets, VIT bonus and Potions.
  • +X% EXP bonus

The experience bonus will improve with every new Crucible by 5%. So when we make our first update, the EXP boost will be 10%, the next 15% and so on. So sticking with the challenge will give great rewards by the end of the season.

Rogue Rework

The rework of Rogue has been focused on expanding the capabilities of the Rogue’s cloak ability to make it feel a bit more interesting to play. We think Rogue should be a class that benefits the most from a player who is able to consider careful timing and good aim to get the most of an ability that can be devastating if used correctly.

You can find a Bundle with Rogue Items in the Shop on Testing. So go and try it out!


Cloaks will keep their basic functionality that sets themselves invisible and makes them undetectable by enemies, but now after shooting, after some time, you will exit invisibility. When this happens on tiered cloaks you will get two effects. The first one is a new condition effect called Lethal Strike. Lethal Strike adds a flat amount of damage to your projectiles while the effect is active and converts a portion of the target enemy’s defense into bonus damage. While Lethal Strike is active, the player will fire additional projectiles towards the cursor location. Overall we hope that this turns Rogue into a class that can be devastating in quick bursts, while maintaining its sneaky capabilities without having to be held back by true invisibility.


This is a showcase of the most important changes to items.

Tiered Cloaks

NameBase Flat DamageBonus Damage Per Wis Over 35Base Percentage DamageBonus Percentage Damage Per Wis Over 35
Cloak of Shadows20120%0.5%
Cloak of Darkness30125%0.5%
Cloak of Speed40130%0.5%
Cloak of the Night Thief45235%0.5%
Cloak of the Red Agent55240%0.5%
Cloak of Endless Twilight65245%0.5%
Cloak of Ghostly Concealment70350%0.5%
Cloak of Nightmares80355%0.5%

Non-Tiered Cloaks

NameInvis DurationFlatPercentageScaling StatScaling MinstatModFlatstatModPercBonus
Cloak of the Planewalker3N / AN / AN / AN / AN / AN / AAllows the player to teleport, no CD.
Cubic Enigma56545.00%DEF2530.50%Creates explosions on the player location
Cloak of the Mad God36545.00%DEF2530.50%Provides the player with Armored on exiting Sneak
Cloak of the Darkened Sun56045.00%VIT2431.00%Restores health while invisible
Cloak of Bloody Surprises52030.00%ATT5530.50%On exiting sneak gain 25 attack and lose 50 speed
Vampiric Cloak55540VIT5041.00%On exiting Sneak, gain Lethal strike. Additionally gain scythes on your attack when paired with Soulcursed Scythe
Ghastly Drape51030.00%WIS3440.50%When firing while lethal strike is active, fire projectiles around yourself. The shots should paralyze when wearing the full set
Cloak of the DeepN / A600%N/AN/AN/AN/AWhile holding down the ability key drain mana to activate lethal strike and fire a flurry of bubbles.

Miscellaneous Balance Changes

Class Stat Changes

  • Rogue Attack increased to 55.
  • Rogue Speed decreased to 65.
  • Sorcerer Attack and Dexterity decreased by 5 each
  • Summoner Attack increased by 10
  • Priest Attack increased by 10, Dexterity increased by 5
  • Samurai Dexterity increased by 5

Equipment Changes

  • Tiered Daggers have all received a 5% RoF increase.
  • Tiered Dual Blades have all received +5 minimum damage on both of their shots.
  • Poison Dagger: Damage increased to 75-115, RoF increased to 140%.
  • Bone Dagger: Damage increased to 95-170, 10% RoF buff.
  • Queens Stinger: Damage increased to 150-170 damage, 5% RoF buff.
  • Corruption Cutter: Damage changed to 85-100, RoF reduced by 10%.
  • Toxin Tooth: Damage increased to 265-320.
  • Etherite: No change.
  • The Right Hook: Min damage increased to 200, RoF increased by 5%.
  • Carved Golem Remains: Damage increased to 155 – 170, RoF increased by 5%.
  • Archangels Judgment: Damage increased to 65-75, RoF reduced to 85%.
  • Fractal Blades: min and max damage increased by 10, all side shots now properly fire at 90% RoF.
  • Boomerang Blades: Smaller shot damage increased to 95-125. Bigger shot damage increased to 120-160, RoF increased by 5%.
  • Chain Dagger RoF increased by 10%.
  • All other not mentioned daggers have received a 5% RoF increase.
  • Tiered Katana’s min and max damage both increased by 5.
  • Tiered Tachi’s Min damage increased by 10, Max damage increased by 5.

Dungeon Changes

  • All dungeons affected by last patch’s guaranteed potion changes now have an additional small chance to drop a bonus potion.
  • Nest and Advanced Nest teleports players to the bottom of the boss room after the first phase.
  • Spider Swarm in Ancient Ruins no longer spawns high level spiders.
  • Mad Lab no longer generates turret maze rooms.
  • Mad Lab’s main branch length is reduced by 1.
  • Kogbold Drone’s DisplayID is no longer “Cavern Crystal”

New Realm Changes

  • All new realm encounters drop the respective blueprint for their event white, including previously unreleased blueprints such as Dirk of Cronus.
  • Most realm encounter UTs now require one UT from the Realm UT collection to forge.
  • Encounter UT blueprints are now part of the Realm UT forge collection.
  • New beacons and roads were added to the map.
  • Behavior changes to numerous Rookie / Adept setpieces.
  • Carboniferous Spider now idly wanders to prevent stacking.
  • Fixed missing loot table on Carp Emperor.
  • Fixed Legion General portrait.
  • Reduced potion rate from Pentaract towers.
  • Legion General now drops Hama Yumi instead of Helm of the Juggernaut.
  • Plague Doctor now drops Seal of Blasphemous Prayer instead of Quiver of Thunder.
  • Sigma Werewolf now drops Helm of the Juggernaut instead of Shield of Ogmur.
  • World’s Oyster now drops Barnacle Basher instead of Helm of the Juggernaut.
  • The Lich King now drops Seal of Blasphemous Prayer instead of Helm of the Juggernaut.
  • Daughter of Limon now drops Ray Katana instead of Tablet of the King’s Avatar.
  • Eye of the Storm now drops Quiver of Thunder instead of Seal of Blasphemous Prayer.
  • Crab Sovereign now drops Helm of the Juggernaut instead of Shield of Pogmur. Sorry!
  • Carp Emperor now drops Barnacle Basher.
  • Shiny Crystal Mace now properly drops in the New Realm.

New Shiny Items

A new season means it’s time for new shinies! As always, those can only drop on seasonal characters!

The following items now have a shiny version:

  • Turncoat Cape
  • Diplomatic Robe
  • Vesture of Duality
  • Centaur’s Shielding
  • Gladiator Guard
  • Spider Shuriken
  • Cloak of the Mad God
  • Cnidaria Rod
  • Polarity Poison

New ST Sets

Alongside this content, we will be releasing the Astral Arcanist Mystic and Spellbound Soulthief Trickster ST sets! These two sets will only be available through Mystery Boxes for a limited period of time, and will drop in the game in a future release, potentially from new future content. Unlike previous Mystery Boxes, these now feature a shard-based pity mechanic that ensures that no matter your luck, you will always be making progress towards these currently exclusive items.

The Astral Arcanist Mystic bends time and space to seek and search the stars for hope and enlightenment. With the incredible mobility of combined Teleport and Stasis, the Astral Arcanist can maximally position her powerful rings of Star Fire to vaporize the opposition. With a strong distribution of ATT and MP stats, this Mystic is capable of massive group and single target shred damage, but must remain vigilant and use her high mobility to avoid danger! If you fly too close to the stars, you might get burnt!

The Spellbound Soulthief Trickster weaves around Gods to skillfully take them down, absorbing their essence and becoming stronger. Instead of a typical Decoy-based effect, this Trickster takes a far more aggressive stance by warping into groups of enemies to absorb their life and gain high amounts of DEF. When enemies react to this movement, the Trickster’s Blade Waltz proc effect allows her to retaliate with many soul blades in quick succession, providing her with a unique access to AOE damage that the class otherwise lacks. This set’s high DEX and DEF stats give it a uniquely aggressive playstyle that rewards risky, high-action maneuvers with both recovery and bonus damage.

ST Drop Rebalance

These new sets will be included alongside a rebalance of how ST’s are distributed. This new system better takes into account the number of Gen 3 tokens to distribute, rather than cramming them all into a few dungeons. This better prepares us for releasing new sets and eventually looking into the 4th generation in the future.

All ST drop locations have been updated and their drop rates have been standardized to a unified value. In practice, this means most Gen 1 and 2 (non-forge) STs have received a drop rate boost. However, Gen 3 (forge) ST distribution will be nerfed this patch. The exact changes are as follows:

  • ST Master’s Chest has become deprecated. This means the item cannot be acquired under normal means, and the new Mystic and Trickster ST Tokens will not be added to the list of redeemable items in the chest. You are still free to use your existing ST Master’s Chests that you have stored for any of the tokens that it currently allows you to redeem.
  • Gen 3 ST Tokens are now distributed as Gen 3 ST Shards. Stack up to 15 of these set-specific shards to redeem the token. These shards drop as semi-uncommon stacks of x9 from Expert+ dungeon bosses, and can be stacked in the Forge Materials Chest and combined with Shards gained through drops or the Mystery Box.
  • Gen 3 ST Weapons and Ability Items now cost 2 of their respective Set Token to forge.
  • Gen 3 STs now cost 160 / 120 / 80 Mythical Essence to forge, depending on their item type.
  • Gen 3 STs now cost 1500 / 1250 / 1000 Forgefire to forge, depending on their item type.
  • Gen 3 STs now dismantle for 40 / 30 / 20 Mythical essence, depending on their item type.
  • Gen 1 / 2 STs now dismantle for 20 / 15 / 10 Mythical essence, depending on their item type.

A list of the changed ST Drop locations will be announced when MotMG starts.

Season 16

Battle Pass

Battle Pass Season 16 has arrived! Feel free to leave feedback.


Check out our newest Mission Tree which is split into different paths depending on the Amulet you are wearing. 

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