Information: End of Season 14


We have received some feedback from all of you over the weekend regarding the topic of our Season 14 Part 2 ending tomorrow. After a lot of discussions internally and evaluating what we can do to assist players who were not able to finish the Battle Pass or planned to finish it originally during the last week, we came to the following decision.… Read more “Information: End of Season 14”


Public Testing: Realm Rework

Beta Realmers!

The highly anticipated Realm Rework is upon us! On April 12th, you’ll get to play it on Public Testing, and on the 23rd, you’ll be able to finally play the Open Beta on live servers! If you’re not sure what the Realm Rework is, have a look at this:

(Click here if you can’t see the trailer in the blog)

Once the beta launches on production, you’ll be able to play the new Realm on any of the servers.… Read more “Public Testing: Realm Rework”