A Blacksmith issue

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Some days are easier than others for the Blacksmith. Still, there is not a day that goes by where she doesn’t remember her old mate Davy Jones and their glory days together. She even keeps an old stash of rum from those times and today her festive Oryxmas mood got the best of her, ending up in the unfortunate defacement of some blueprints that had the “Shatters” label.

On a more serious note, we became aware of an issue with the crafting requirements for most new Shatters Blueprints (Vest of Abandoned Shadows; Mantle of the Monarchy; Warmonger; Dusky Catalyst; Valor; Primal Arcana; Sentinel’s Sidearm; Polarity Poison; Noble Mandolin; Vanguard’s Visage; Peacekeeper). Because they are erroneously either trivial or impossible to craft, we will be changing the Schematic quest that had them with its next non-Shatters contents. Cuirass survived the festivities, so it stays:

  • Crystal Shield
  • Refraction Cloak
  • Crystallised Fang’s Venom
  • The Twilight Gemstone
  • Royal Guard’s Cuirass
  • Yellow Beehemoth Quiver
  • Red Beehemoth Quiver
  • Queen’s Stinger Dagger

If you want to exchange your Schematics for the affected Shatters Blueprints, the latest possible date they will return is January 18, 2022, so hold onto them! We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

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