Hello Realmers,
This release makes some important changes to the realm. We are introducing Nilshards and Nildrops and renaming the ore. We are bringing new STs (for the Knight and Necromancer). We’ve also been preparing Belladonna for Valentine’s day, so expect a few tweaks.
In the ancient times, before Oryx was born, the paladins who guarded the Realm discovered a strange but mighty powerful source of energy: The Void. Being wary, and guided by the old precepts of the angelic realms granted to them, they developed a way of channeling the Void into crystal-like forms.
They called them “Nilshards,” as they were made of the rare Nil material.
Nil was forbidden for a long time, mostly due to the disappearance of the paladin church and all the problems it caused during the “White Titan Project,” where the Void Entity caused havok.
However, back in the times, Nilshards were used for a variety of purposes.
The first one is crafting Ores, which will provide materials for your craftings. The Blacksmith will gladly change stacks of Nilshards into Ores depending on their rarity.
Ore Naming
With the introduction of Nilshards, the Blacksmith had to sit and explain to us we have decided to change the name of the Ores themselves to better reflect the material type they grant, as we got to understand the Ores’ properties a little bit better.
Acquiring Nilshards
Nilshards would be obtainable in the Shop and the Daily Login Calendar.
Back in the day before Nilshards were forgotten from existence, elixirs, tonics and other consumables distilled from them were commonly used, and the paladins would use them to enhance their battle capabilities and sustain long, difficult battles when defending the Realm.
Few can forge them today, as the crafts of the old paladin church are seemingly lost. However, they seem to be a piece of cake for the Blacksmith, if you provide her the right amount and rarity of Nilshards, and a little bit of Forgefire.
“Standard” Nildrops
They provide a stat boost for 5 minutes for everyone around you, and also clears negative status effects when you apply them. The stat boost depends on the Nildrop color.
They can be forged with Rare and Epic Nilshards.
“Minor” Nildrops
They are a lower version of the standard Nildrops. They also provide a boost for 5 minutes (only for you) and they cannot clear your status effects. Still, they’re a great way of accelerating your early game.
They can be forged with Common Nilshards.
“Special” Nildrops
They are hybrid versions of the standard Nildrops, born from the Blacksmith’s experiments. They require rarer Nilshards, but they provide a stronger boost to two attributes simultaneously for 5 minutes, also clearing your negative status effects on usage. They work for allies around you too!
They can be forged with Legendary Nilshards.
New ST’s
We have two new amazing sets for the Knight and Necromancer!
Cuboid Necromancer Set
Nordic Knight Set
We have made a few balancing tweaks to Belladonna in preparation for Valentine’s Day. Here’s what changed:
- Reduced the radius of Bella’s berry bombs
- Reduced the damage of the Bella Bud wiper attack (150 -> 100) in exchange for a short Stun effect
- Fixed the rare possibility of a stacked shot occurring when the wiper attack transitions to its faster mode.
Item Changes
- Perennial Cranium
- Heal: 25 -> 40 HP
- MP Cost: 130 -> 115
- Cooldown: 2 -> 0 seconds
- Hanagasaku
- Explosion Range: 3 -> 3.5 tiles
- MP Cost: 120 -> 110
- Vitality: 4 -> 9
Both UTs have had slight sprite changes.
Valentine’s Day Resprites
- Heartstruck Bow
- Quiver of Dazing Love
- Cupid’s Garments
- Ring of Unbound Love
16×16 Skin
The Gardener
For this year, we are introducing a new encounter for Belladonna. His name is “The Gardener” and he is ready to take on all of you!
You will find this new encounter in the Realm around St. Valentine’s Day.
“The Gardener” will spawn somewhere in the highlands after defeating all the cyclops gods in the realm. But watch out, or you might get soaking wet and have your clothes covered in pieces of green and pink balloons!
The Gardener Drops:
- Cupid’s Bow
- Diamond-Bladed Katana
- Gem of Adoration
- Gem of Tenderness
- Heart of Gold Prism
- Heartfind Dagger
- Hearticles
- Large Heart Cloth
- Large Pink Dot Cloth
- Lovebird Pet Skin
- Small Heart Cloth
- Small Pink Dot Cloth
- Soulful Affection
- Staff of Adoration
- Stat Potions
- Valentine Launcher
- Vinesword
- Wand of Budding Romance
- Fixed an issue where Constructs would slowly drift out of the mountains.
- Fixed the ability for Sting Spiders to be dragged infinitely
- Rebalanced the Void Blade to be closer to the version the Master Rat uses (stays still for a little over a second, then accelerates with 6 tiles of range). We realize this alters some of the use cases of the weapon, but in our testing we believe this has made the item noticeably more versatile and practical, beyond just extremely niche situations and unintended instakill methods.
- Removed some rock spawns throughout the realm, making the environment less cluttered.
New FP Items
To celebrate love across the Realm, we are introducing a new, truly romantic pet food: the Chocolate Bonbon! This powerful, caloric treat stacks until you can finally double-click the Chocolate Bonbon x6 stack to turn it into an even tastier item: the Heart-shaped Chocolate Box. With this stackable food, you can choose a small FP reduction for an opportunity to save up on feeding costs.
New Cosmetics
Themed around love and otherwise, here are the beautiful new cosmetics about to hit the Realm.
Valentine’s Event
You will have the chance to acquire the newly 16×16-ed Valentine’s Archer set and the improved Belladonna UTs in the upcoming Valentine’s Day event, which will run from 02/10/21, 12:00 UTC until 02/15/21, 12:00 UTC. You will once again be able to collect Hearts (stacking until 10) and Love Letters (10 hearts transform into a Love Letter, which stacks until 20), but beware – this year they are not tradable. To avoid a token overexposure, these tokens will also be used for the coming SoonTM Mardi Gras Mask quests… despite the theme clash. Hold onto them!
The drop distribution for the Hearts and Love Letters will be as follows:
- The Gardener: 1 Love Letter
- Cube God, Skull Shrine, Avatar of the Forgotten King, Ghost Ship, Grand Sphinx, Killer Bee Nest, Lost Sentry and Lord of the Lost Lands: 1 Love Letter
- Chest in Belladonna’s Garden: 5 Hearts
- Chest in Ice Cave: 5 Hearts
- Chest in Ocean Trench: 5 Hearts
You already saw the loot table of the Gardener. Here is what you will be able to get in the event dungeon chests, featuring the new Chocolate Bonbon, the Adventurer’s Belt, the Gems of Tenderness and of Affection and the Valentine’s Mystery Item (which can be consumed to receive a random item from the Valentine Archer set).
Belladonna’s Garden Drops:
- Adventurer’s Belt
- Backpack
- Bashing Bride Skin
- Bella’s Key
- Candy Apple
- Chocolate Bonbon x1
- Cupid’s Bow
- Diamond-Bladed Katana
- Eligible Bachelor Skin
- Grapes of Wrath
- Hanagasaku
- Heart x 5
- Heartfind Dagger
- Hearticles
- Heartseeker Huntress Skin
- Large Pink Dot Cloth
- Large Vine Cloth
- Little Fox Pet Skin
- Little Prince Rogue Skin
- Loot Drop Potion
- Loot Tier Potion
- Lucky Clover
- Mystery Stat Pot
- Perennial Cranium
- Potion of Max Level
- Shard of the Advisor x1
- Small Pink Dot Cloth
- Small Vine Cloth
- Sprout Slime Pet Skin
- Staff of Adoration
- Valentine Generator
- Valentine’s Mystery Item
- Vinesword
- Wand of Budding Romance
- Wine Cellar Incantation
Ice Cave Drops:
- Adventurer’s Belt
- Aphrodite Mystic Skin
- Backpack
- Candy Apple
- Chocolate Bonbon x1
- Diamond-Bladed Katana
- Esben’s Shaman Attire
- Esben’s Wedding Ring
- Gardener Ninja Skin
- Gem of Tenderness
- Grapes of Wrath
- Heart x 5
- Hearticles
- Ice Cave Key
- Large Diamond Cloth
- Loot Drop Potion
- Loot Tier Potion
- Mystery Cloth (Large)
- Mystery Cloth (Small)
- Mystery Stat Pot
- Pink Heart Pet Skin
- Potion of Dexterity (SB)
- Potion of Mana (SB)
- Potion of Max Level
- Searing Soul Pet Skin
- Shard of the Advisor x1
- Skullish Remains of Esben
- Small Diamond Cloth
- Staff of Esben
- Vinesword
- Wand of Budding Romance
- Wine Cellar Incantation
Ocean Trench Drops:
- Adventurer’s Belt
- Backpack
- Candy Apple
- Chocolate Bonbon x1
- Coral Bow
- Coral Ring
- Coral Silk Armor
- Coral Venom Trap
- Cupid’s Bow
- Gem of Adoration
- Grapes of Wrath
- Heart x 5
- Heartfind Dagger
- Hearticles
- Large Vine Cloth
- Loot Drop Potion
- Loot Tier Potion
- Lucky Clover
- Mini Thessal Skin
- Mystery Cloth (Large)
- Mystery Cloth (Small)
- Mystery Stat Pot
- Ocean Trench Key
- Oceanic Apparel
- Potion of Mana (SB)
- Potion of Max Level
- Potion of Speed (SB)
- Red Heart Pet Skin
- Sea Slurp Skin Unlocker
- Shard of the Advisor x1
- Small Vine Cloth
- Staff of Adoration
- Tideturner Trident
- Undine Sorcerer Skin
- Wine Cellar Incantation
You will be able to exchange your Love Letters at the Tinkerer in the following quests: