Testing Realmers!
Its Friday and that means, another Testing Session! This time we are back to our original Testing Enviroment so you will be able to use your previous characters once again. This weekend is all about our new upcoming feature “Account Levels”. A new progression system for all players.
Please be aware that everything you see is up to changes. From the Levels to the rewards, your feedback can influence the development of the feature.
We are mainly interested in feedback on the rewards, what you would like to see as rewards etc and what you think of the current reward plan. Also how do you like the progress and Experience gain of the system?
Account Levels
Account Levels are a new feature coming to Realm of the Mad God which lets you gain EXP while playing to unlock some special Rewards.
You will be able to gain EXP with all types of characters and nothing will be lost on character death. This is a permanent feature for your whole account and is not tied to 1 character.
How to Access
Click the “Account Level” Button next to your Character Overview on the top left.
How to gain Account Level EXP
You have several options to gain EXP to progress your Account Levels.
1: On Death
When you die, you will receive a set amount of EXP based on the value of your items. The higher the tier, the better the EXP gain.
2: Completing Dungeons
Completing Dungeons will give you a set amount of EXP based on the difficulty level of the Dungeon.
3: Defeating Enemies
Defeating enemies will give you a set amount of EXP based on the difficulty of the enemy.
A series of different rewards can be unlocked by completing all 50 Levels.
In general you will be able to unlock:
- Emotes
- Titles
- Fame
- Pet Food
- Gear
- Permanent Account Unlocks
Special Unlocks: